
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cuteness to the 5th power...Shared!

Yesterday, while taking a break from fixing dinner, I found something amazing on Etsy via my Facebook news feed. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a hippo, teddy bear, elephant, koala and cow, oh my! And all of them cuter than I've seen in ages!

I mean, just LOOK at the cuddliness of these animal pals, all designed by Jennyandteddy Creation, from New Zealand.

You can sense my excitement, and I'm sure you'll agree that these guys are AHdorable!

And while I was admiring these fun toys, I got a great idea. I'm going to make one of each animal (five in all) to celebrate reaching 5K Facebook fans. I'm currently just over 4.1K, so I have a little way to go. In the meantime, I'll have plenty of time to make each one. And perhaps I'll take some time during my maternity leave in June to work on them, too.

So what can YOU do to expedite the process? Why SHARE, of course! Share this post on Facebook, send a Tweet, give it a +1 on Google, blog about it. There are links below the post for ease. Any and every way you share will help spread the word. And hopefully, we'll reach 5,000 Facebook fans sooner than expected, because I really want to give out some FREE toys to my fans, since you all make me so happy to be in this biz.

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